Lacy Rose Bouquet
Lacy Rose Bouquet
Delicate white bouvardia and pittosporum lend a lacy look to this breathtaking bouquet of white roses, wrapped with sheer organza ribbon. This is our 12 Ivory Rose bouquet which can be designed in many different sizes for both wedding, prom and just for giving as a beautiful presentation bouquet as a gift.
White/Ivory roses and bouvardia contrasted by variegated pittosporum. Approximately 9" W x 11 1/2" H
Substitutions: The scale of the arrangement should determine the type of substitution acceptable, but the substitution must be of equal or greater value and must maintain the style and color harmony of the original order. Normally, for this substitution it's just color tone variations of flower types and depth of openings.
We recommend you give us a weeks notice for all bouquet orders to get the bouquet exactly the way you want it.
Color can be changed to your preference upon request. As well as ribbon colors.