A Cut Above Floral Studio
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Country Rose Bouquet

Country Rose Bouquet


Country Rose Bouquet

Dusty lavenders, soft mauves and creamy whites create a charming, country-inspired bouquet. Perfect for Brides, Bridesmaids can be ordered as an arrangement if you wish.

Pink bouvardia, lavender hydrangea, lavender and crème roses, pink limonium, pink lisianthus and lavender sweet pea with red hypericum. Approximately 12 1/2" W x 14" H

Substitution: The scale of the arrangement should determine the type of substitution acceptable, but the substitution must be of equal or greater value and must maintain the style and color harmony of the original order.  To avoid color substitutions please order a week in advance. Also, color tones may vary due to weather and nature.

Tax and Delivery Not Included in Price

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